Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home/public/wiki/cookbook/handytoc.php on line 58

Warning: Undefined array key "start" in /home/public/wiki/cookbook/handytoc.php on line 59

Warning: Undefined array key "end" in /home/public/wiki/cookbook/handytoc.php on line 60

Warning: Undefined array key "ignoreh1" in /home/public/wiki/cookbook/handytoc.php on line 61

Warning: Undefined array key "anchorafterelement" in /home/public/wiki/cookbook/handytoc.php on line 62

Warning: Undefined array key "smartanchors" in /home/public/wiki/cookbook/handytoc.php on line 63

Warning: Undefined array key "automaticanchors" in /home/public/wiki/cookbook/handytoc.php on line 64

Warning: Undefined array key "excludewithin" in /home/public/wiki/cookbook/handytoc.php on line 65

Warning: Undefined array key "class" in /home/public/wiki/cookbook/handytoc.php on line 66
Local Templates โ€” A Pattern Language for Rationality
Site ยป

Local Templates



(:template first {=$Group}:)

:'''[[{=$Groupspaced}/]]''' /:
(:template each order=title:)
(:if ! equal {=$Group} {=$Name} :)
: :[[{=$FullName}|{=$Titlespaced}]]


(:template defaults list=normal :)
(:template first:)
(:template each:)
!! {=$Titlespaced}

(:include {=$FullName} :)


(:template first {=$Group}:)

!! Pages in the โ€œ[[{=$Groupspaced}/]]โ€ group

(:pagelist group={=$Group} list=normal fmt=dictindex {$$options} :)
(:template each:)


Concatenate the text of pages in the list (note, this can be an expensive operation).
This is a replacement for the default #include pagelist template, modified to work with Inter Wiki Reference.

(:include '{=$FullName}' self=0:)


Include just the #faq sections from pages in the list. (This can also be expensive, especially if the list includes pages that don't have the [[#faq]] anchor!)
This is a replacement for the default #includefaq pagelist template, modified to work with Inter Wiki Reference.

(:include '{=$FullName}#faq#faqend' self=0:)


(:template defaults group=Category name=-Category list=normal class='all-category-trails' :)
(:template first:)
(:toggle all-category-trails-inner-container hide lshow="Show category trails" lhide="Hide category trails" set=1 :)
(:template each:)
(:pagelist link=Category.{=$Name} list=content order=name fmt=fauxtrail trailpage=Category.{=$Name} label="{=$Titlespaced}":)
(:template last:)